Monday, December 22, 2008
Good and Bad
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Buxout is out
Sunday, December 7, 2008
PTC - new victims
- 1. Sandraclicks - when accessing the main page you see that it's account has been suspended
- 2. Therichcash - when accessing the main page you are informed that this page doesn't exist anymore
- 3. ProwlingPanther - when accessing the main page you see that it's account has been suspended - I'm still watching this one, as all the members (I guess that all of us) have received an email from their hosting company, which said that they are going to preserve the site while it's owner recovers from a surgical intervention and as I was payed by this site once in a very short time.
- September:
- Clixncash - 1.00 $, no active referrals (13 referrals)
- Neobux - 3.35 $, around 60 rented referrals
- Quickrewards - 3.80 $, no active referrals (4 referrals)
- October:
- Clixncash - 1.50 $
- Neobux - 5.89 $
- Quickrewards - 3.06 $
- Quickrewards - 2.81 $
- November:
- Clixncash - 1.02 $
- Neobux - 6.90 $
- Quickrewards - 1.12 $
- Incentria - 1.01 $
- Donkeymails - 1.30 $
- Jillsclickcorner - 1.15 $
As you can see, there are few sites where I earn and cash out monthly - these are the best, and if you are from USA, UK, Canada or Australia, I highly recommend you to join Quickrewards - the amount of money you see, I made just by clicking ads, but if you are from one of the countries listed above you have more opportunities to make money like: quizzes, surveys, cash back on shopping online and so on.
Untill the next post, let's go back to work.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
My Earnings: July & August
If anyone of you (readers of this post) are a member of one of the sites above, or if you think I may be mistaking leave a comment at this post, so I can correct myself.
Now, let me show you my July earnings:
- quickrewards = 3.75 $ payed / 3 referrals
- jillsclickcorner = 1.04 $ payed / No referrals
- sebux = 1.05 $ payed / No referrals
And now my August earnings
- 07bux = 5.04 $ payed / 1 referral
- quickrewards = 3.50 $ payed / 2 referrals
- clixncash = 3.50 $ payed / No referrals
- easyhits4u = 3.00 $ payed / No referrals
- donkeymails = 1.00 $ payed / 61 referrals
- neobux = 5.04 $ payed / 50 referrals
- wordlinx = 10.10 $ payed / No referrals
- prowlingpanther = 1.01 $ payed / No referrals
- europencash = 0.25 $ payed / No referrals
You must consider one more thing: I've posted just the withdrawals (the money received in my Paypal and Alertpay accounts) - money received after I've done my payments (for referrals especially at Neobux and buying some advertising and other packages).
Besides the above sites, I am member of a few others - where I have small earnings or where I don't believe I will ever get paid (I'm still monitoring them and if I'm going to be sure I've been scamed, I'll post them here - or hopefully I'll get payed), and some other that I've been payed and post the payment proof in a previous post on these blog.
I feel comfortable to be back online and I hope I'll never be away for so long again.
Untill the next post, let's go back to work.
P.S. I intend to publish my earning each month, so that everyone can see the work and the rewards.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
My earnings
- buxear = 8.25 $ payment pending / No referrals
- = 27.84 $ payment pending / 8 referrals
- gooodbux = 8.37 $ payment pending / 1 referral
- 07bux = 10.50 $ payment pending / 1 referral
- dailyclicks = 15.95 $ payment pending/ No referral
- xclix = 10.33 $ payment pending / No referral
- quickrewards = 2.72 $ / 3.50 $ payed / 2 referrals
- clixncash = 0.85 $ / 1.00 $ payed / No referrals
- easyhits4u = 1.50 $ / 3.20 $ payed / No referrals
- donkeymails = 0.40 $ / 3.35 $ payed / 61 referrals
Another thing, from today on, this blog is member of Technorati (here you can see my profile Technorati Profile).
Saturday, July 5, 2008
And having nothing to do with this blog - I've uploaded one melody - you might like it or not (I like it); what's special for me in this one it's that it's performed by an amateur (actually a friend of mine - she's a doctor) and she's performing quite well (in my opinion).
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Small earners power...
Maybe this sites are not a great way to earn money, but they are great for advertising as these sites are on the market for a long time (more of them are in the business for over three years), have over 100.000 members (that's a great deal for anybody who wants to promote a site, no matter the content) and the best of all they survived when a lot of other PTC, PTR and related passed out. I've used them and cash out small amounts of money (which, by the way I've used to upgrade at other different sites) and the payment were fast. So try to reconsider them and if you want to promote your site join them and reach a lot of people within minutes. And to be honest all the way, if you just want to make some (a little more) money fast these sites are not the way to do it - but if you want to promote your site of affiliate link and in the meantime to earn some money try them and you will be surprised by the results.
And, by the way, most of these sites have no minimum or a low minimum payout and you don't have to wait 30 - 60 days to see your money in your account.
And another thing: since these sites have a great number of members, many advertisers and are paying these small amounts of cash to be earned by the members, they are going to survive much more after a lot of the bux type sites will be gone.
That's it for now, let's get back to our usual stuff.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
A few more are gone
- Buxto -
- Bux3 -
- Turbobux -
- Clixmania -
All this beeing said, untill next time I wish to you all of my readers - ALL THE BEST.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Buxmania - new victims
- Ubux -
- Nominbux -
- 4bux -
Thursday, May 29, 2008
New and old site
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Bux joining tips
- Try to check the time since the site is online - usually the older it is - most trustfull it is
- Check the number of the members that have joined before you - the higher it is - so trustfull it is
- Check the number of the clickable links (if possible) - the higher it is - more trustfull it is
- Check if they have posted proof of payment and if they did, the last date they've did
- Check their newsletter - if they've got it
Now let's see this five points a little bit detailed:
- The older is the site - the better it is = usually if one of this kind of sites is passing one year, it means that his admin is sincerelly interested to keep his business going on and so he will do whatever is necessary to keep the site moving forward; so he will keep going on making money both for himself and for the members of the site.
- The higher is the members number of the site, the higher is the number of the advertisers that is going on to use that site - so the higher will be the rewards that site is going to offer to their members.
- The reverse of the number 2 point - if the number of the clickable link is high, it means that the interest of the advertisers in advertising on that site is high; so this one should be trustable; be sure to check that the most of the clickable links are posted from outside and not by the managing team of the site - if the numbers of links posted by the site team is higher than the outside links = usually that site is not sustainable.
- Check out if the site has posted prof of payment - if yes, check out the last payment date and look up if it is in their scheduled time (usually in the FAQ section are stated the facts: minimum payout; payment method, and the processing time since the payment request).
- If they are posting a newsletter (or a news section on the first page of the site), check it out; if they have posted news every one or two days; it means that the site owner has the interest to keep in touch with his members.
That are the tips I was talking about - they are good in about 85% of the cases (in my opinion) and they are a good guideline for joining. It may look a bit complicate, but in fact this are simple things to do that won't take more than 10 minutes to do. You may or may not follow this guidelines - you have nothing to loose but your valuable time, as most of the bux type sites are free to join - but let's face it you will regret that time if, after a few weeks of clicking you will see the site disapearing (I'm not mentioning the case in which you have upgraded your membership :)) lol).
That will be all for today; hope I was usefull to you again.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
- Donkeymails - join free
- Jillsclickcorner - join free
- No-minimum - join free
- Ayaemails - join free
- Netquer - join free
If you are used to the "paid to" making sites just join them, if not, but you are interested just click here. I'll keep you informed as other sites or even the above ones paid me.
Monday, April 28, 2008 - gone
This article was post on on 25th April 2008; as this site is going to dissapear I post the article here, so all the people interested in this PTC - industry (I think, we can call it this way), could read it and think about it. I am using PTC for a long time and I'm going to use them from now on, but I think it would be fair to know something from a man who was inside and that's why I am posting his article here.
25th April 2008
"I regret to inform you that will now be closing. I didn’t want it to come to this; I know that many users have accused this site of being a scam. I can assure you that my intentions were and are completely legitimate, I wanted to be the perfect PTC site, and I spent a solid month improving the original $30 Bux script. It had many bugs and missing features. I redesigned it to be as clear and fast as I could by fixing the errors, adding new features and giving it a unique design. I know that you can now buy a PTC script for around $40-50 and have your PTC site running in no time at all, but I really put effort into the site in order to make it different and not just another generic buggy Bux site. There is a simple explanation to why and 99% of PTC don’t stay open." More...>>
27th April 2008
" and will be shut down completely within the next day or two. The domains will be cancelled so I will have no access to the domain, hosting or email again. I have almost finished reimbursing. My account balance limits me from paying everyone, but I have paid as many as I can. I have around $200 left; this will be given out very soon. In my note I mentioned that I want to leave the PTC industry. I am currently looking into selling Bux Up. I currently have an offer of $450, but the bidder has not yet decided whether to purchase yet. If you would like to purchase Bux Up and continue to run it then email, please do not send anything else which is not related to purchasing Bux Up to this address, it will be ignored. My hope is to sell Bux Up to an external purchaser within the next week. The amount it's purchased for will be reimbursed to members. Thank you for using; in between the stressful and difficult times I enjoyed running it. I wish all the members at well and hope you have luck in your future endeavours.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Buxmania - follow up
- Buxplus -
- Gogobux -
That's it for now. Get back to our usual stuff, we'll keep in touch; I'll let you know if some new victims appear.
Entre Cash
So, if you are an Entrecard user you must check this site up - even if you are not going to trade, you still got to see what the others are doing here and why not, browsing or searching inside it you'll find something usefull to you. Take your time sign-up here and start working on it.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
Money online - a guide to the money online earning.
I've done this site because when I started, I didn't know what to do, the so called guides which claimed that are going to give you some help were nothing but mails in mails in mails, leadin in the end to a payment location, without giving a clue on what you have to do to earn some money. The site I have made it's totally free (you'll never have to pay anything, you'll never have to give your address, e-mail address, phone number and so on...) and it's going to stay that way!!!
If you've had the same problem or if you want to start making some extra money, please visit this site (, read the information I have given there and tell me if there was something usefull or not in it (go to contact page) and take those two polls I have posted there).
P.S. If you think you can help me improve this site contact me via e-mail. I'll be glad to improve it.