Sunday, September 7, 2008

My Earnings: July & August

It's been a long time since my last post here so I'm going to post my earnings on July and August, so anyone can see how much I've earned online since my last posting; but first of all - some more sites (one of them considered to be good & honest) have gone, see them below:
If anyone of you (readers of this post) are a member of one of the sites above, or if you think I may be mistaking leave a comment at this post, so I can correct myself.
Now, let me show you my July earnings:
So there's a total of 5.84 $ for July.

And now my August earnings
So there's a total of 32.44 $ for July.

You must consider one more thing: I've posted just the withdrawals (the money received in my Paypal and Alertpay accounts) - money received after I've done my payments (for referrals especially at Neobux and buying some advertising and other packages).

Besides the above sites, I am member of a few others - where I have small earnings or where I don't believe I will ever get paid (I'm still monitoring them and if I'm going to be sure I've been scamed, I'll post them here - or hopefully I'll get payed), and some other that I've been payed and post the payment proof in a previous post on these blog.
I feel comfortable to be back online and I hope I'll never be away for so long again.
Untill the next post, let's go back to work.

P.S. I intend to publish my earning each month, so that everyone can see the work and the rewards.