Saturday, August 14, 2010

Back with news.


Well it's been a long time since I've didn't update this site, so I'll shortly show you what happened working online since March 2010 - sites that vanished, my monthly earnings and the sites I've quit working with. So, here we go:

My earnings since my last post: April earnings = 9,48$, May earnings = 6,84$, June earnings = 0$, July earnings = 18,59$, August earnings = 6,66$ until today, so here it is a total of 41,57$.

Also there are some sites that vanished away: JPHFBux (this one has payed me once), Exebux, and Buxjobs.

And there are a few sites that I've quit working with like: Gagabux - since they announced that they pay only the upgraded members, Omnibux - I'm an upgraded member and I have an payout request waiting for more than two month with no results, Atlantisptc - since it's got a new owner and the payout terms have changed.

I've joined another two PTC sites that look good - Onbux and Valclicks; both of them look strong, so I'll take my chance and work with them for a while, hoping that this are going to be two good sites. Also I've joined the new search engine from the owners of Trekpay - Kooday, as it is a new kind of earner (you've got to buy and sale keywords in the search engine to make profit) - I've invested 10$ in it and now I have a balance of 18.77$.