Sunday, March 6, 2011

News and earnings


Two weeks passed since my last post, bringing both bad and good news - but first, as usual, I'll post a review of my earnings for the passed away time together with my latest payments proofs - so, here are the facts:

First of all, the payment proofs that I've received since my last post: from EuropaBux = 4.29, SymBux = 2.01$, MatrixMails = 2.23$, Scarlet-Clicks = 0.14$ and Clickite = 0.11$, my first payment from MarihuanaBux = 1.49$ and also my second payment from MoneyBux = 1.08$.

Now, some bad news - after announcing that 1DollarNoAds has solved it's problems with PayPal and now it's paying again and instantly (and it has, as you can see in my previous post), this site has gone for good and I don't think it will be back again, but I also have a good news - Clicks4Cents it's back and the things looks pretty good there, and if I'm right, it's going to stay for a while. Also, another bad news, it seems that the Baydefeisptc group it's gone away - CarbonClicks, it's gone for sure, also Baydefeisptc and Wishingwellptc seems to have no activity (there are ads showing, but there is no admin activity in the forums and the ads showing are old and mostly admin ads), so, until I have good news I'm removing them from my list. I'm going to check them from time to time and if they will be signs that things are going the good way I'll be bringing them back.

And in the end, I want to bring to your attention a very good site, I've joined about two month ago - PTCTOP10 - it's a discussion site about the PTC (paid to click) area, where you will find the best PTC sites reviewed, payment proofs a lot of news about BUX and AURORA sites, the best newcomer, the newest SCAM sites and of course a forum where you can discuss about anything related to PTC sites. Also, for it's members (it's free to join) it offers a great opportunity to build your downlines for free.


Another week passed away and also another month has begun, bringing both bad and good news - but first, I'll post a review of my earnings for January and also the last payment proofs for January and the first payments proofs I've received in February - so, here are the facts:

My January earnings were in a total of 46.86$ + 5,05received (only the money I've received) as it follows :

  1. PayPal = 25.37$ + 5.05 - see it here
  2. AlertPay = 7.41$ - see it here
  3. LibertyReserve = 14.08$ - see it here

My latest January cashouts: I've received my first payment from SymBux = 2.96$ and CashnHits = 0.73$, my second payment from 1DollarNoAds = 8.30$ and EuropaBux = 4.67 and the usually monthly payment from LinkStoxx = 0.38.

My first February cashouts: I've received my first payment from VcBux = 2.64$ and some payments from other old and trusted sites I work with: DonkeyMails = 1.20$, Clickite = 0.09$ and CarbonClicks = 0.70$. I've also received two payments in my LibertyReserve account - one from an investment site I'm working with: ForexCompanyOnline = 1.12$. and one from the e-currency forum ECMF = 0.03$ (just for logging in).

Now, some bad news - after receiveing my last payment from them another two good (for me at least) sites are gone - Clicks4Cents and CarbonClicks, but I also have some good news - 1DollarNoAds has solved it's problems with PayPal and now it's paying again and what's best it's doing it instantly.

And in the end I want to apologize to all my readers for not updating the rest of my site pages (as for now, I am about 1 month late), but I'm working to launch another two sites - first, similar to this one (with a little bit different structure and content) and one dedicated to offer you some good referral cashback deals.